On Friday 9 February, an event entitled Una vita da Stem (A life as a Stem) will be held, organised by the Guidance Commission of the Lazio Regional Committee of Universities (CRUL) as part of the 1st National Week of Scientific, Technological, Engineering and Mathematical Disciplines (from 4 February to 11 February) in order to raise awareness and stimulate interest, choice and learning in these disciplines.
The initiative, addressed to students in three-year secondary schools, will take place in the Aula Magna of Sapienza University of Rome (Piazzale Aldo Moro 5) and will also be streamed live
The event, which sees the collaboration of all the universities in Lazio, is intended as a meeting point for students and people who have studied in the STEM fields and as an orientation activity towards these disciplines.
Live streaming of the event can be followed: