On Friday, the 23rd June 2023, from 2:30 to 4 p.m., will be held the online seminar on "Third Mission and Public Engagement" , organized by University of Tuscia in collaboration with APEnet (Italian Network of Universities and Research Institutions for Public Engagement).
Prof. Giorgio Chiarelli,...
On 22nd June 2023 at 9:30 a.m., the Tech Transfer Day | Spin-offs and Startups Meet Investors will be held at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
The initiative is promoted as part of the Rome Technopole's Spoke 2 activities.
To participate, we invite you to register at the following link.
New technologies: present and future moving from Machine Learning to Cloud Computing
On June 21 at 10 a.m., will be held at Aula Magna of Sapienza Rectorate the conference co-organized by Prof. Giuseppe Esposito, Prof. Patrizia Campolongo and Dr. Luisa Seguella of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology "V.Erspamer" and members of critical mass FP7, (Spoke coordinated by Prof...
Next June 15 at 9:30 a.m. at the Botanical Garden of the University of Rome Tor Vergata, will be held a study day on what is one of the great contemporary challenges related to the Industry 5.0 paradigm:
Smart: based on a strong collaboration with the world of University Research;
Kick off course on intellectual property protection in the research sector
On May 19, 2023, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità is organizing the first Course entitled: "Intellectual Property and Trademark Protection: focus on medical devices and biotechnology" intended for doctoral students and researchers interested in learning about the various aspects that characterize t...
Sapienza training on soft skills for Young Researchers
Sapienza University of Rome is organizing a transversal training program on soft skills, aimed at enhancing the training path of Young Researchers (PhD students, research fellows, RTDa, RTDb), increasingly aimed at a job market not only in academia. The training offer is also aimed at all participan...
On Oct. 27 and 28, 2023 will take place the first two Tech Talks, from the series of lectures open to the non-academic public on the Rome Technopole's pillar issues-digital transition, energy transition, health, and biopharma-and organized by Spoke 5 of Roma Tre University.
1. "Communicating Scie...
The European Researchers’ Night 2023 by NET – scieNcE Together
Dozens of thematic booths and researchers will welcome the public with experiments, performances, demonstration activities, games and interactive workshops to bring the general public of all ages closer to science topics in a simple and engaging way.
This year's patron of honor is Marie Curie, a ...
Città dell'Altra Economia - Testaccio district of Rome
On Thursday March 2, a networking day was held at Sapienza University of Rome aimed at launching Rome Technopole's cascade calls, which are designed to fund research and innovation projects proposed by entities outside the foundation.
Many companies and researchers took part in the Matchmaking se...