Rome Technopole Research Conference

Aula Magna del Rettorato - Sapienza Università di Roma
Data dell'evento: 18 March 2024
Fine dell'evento: 18 March 2024
Dalle ore: 09:00

The Rome Technopole Foundation is pleased to invite you on Monday 18 March from 9 a.m. in the Aula Magna of the Sapienza Rectorate to the conference: Applied Research, Technological Development, Innovation and Research Infrastructures, organised by Spoke 1 – Sapienza University of Rome.

This is a major conference on research results with a specific focus on the topics of Energy Transition, Digital Transition, Health and Bio-Pharma.

After the institutional greetings by the Magnificent Rector Antonella Polimeni, President of the Rome Technopole Foundation, the Researchers will illustrate the progress of the research and activities of the various flagships at the project’s mid-term date.

The final programme of the day will be published on the Foundation’s website.

How to participate
To participate as an audience member you must register no later than 14 MARCH at this LINK:


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