The Cascade Call from Sapienza for Collaborative Research Projects under the ECS Rome Technopole – Spoke 1 and Spoke 6 project, funded by PNRR Mission 4 Component 2 “From Research to Enterprise” – Investment 1.5, has been published.
The call aims to fund Research and Development Projects, proposed by Universities and Public Research Institutions in collaboration with companies, as long as they are outside the project partnership, making available a total funding of €7,950,000.
Projects consistent with at least one of Rome Technopole’s technology specialization areas of Energy Transition (EnT), Digital Transition (DgT) and Health and Bio-Pharma (H&BP) will be eligible, according to the priorities of Spoke 1, dedicated to Applied Research, Technology Development and Innovation, and Spoke 6, focused on the development of Open Research Infrastructures, joint laboratories and higher education through industrial collaboration.
The application must be submitted through the GeCoWEB Plus Sapienza platform, starting at 12:00 noon on 3rd October 2023, and ending at 12:00 noon on 3rd November 2023.