Cascade Call for Support of Collaborative R&D Projects – Spoke 5

Università degli studi della Tuscia, as the leader of Spoke 5, has published the Cascade Call for Proposals for the support of Collaborative R&D Projects under the ECS Rome Technopole project, funded by the PNRR Mission 4 “Education and Research,” Component 2 “From Research to Enterprise,” Investment Line 1.5 – Creation and Strengthening of “Innovation Ecosystems for Sustainability,” construction of “Territorial R&D Leaders.”

The Call for Proposals intends to fund Collaborative Research & Development Projects, carried out in Effective Collaboration between at least one Enterprise and at least one other Beneficiary, Research Organization or Enterprise, as long as they are external to the Rome Technopole project partnership.

Funded Collaborative R&D Projects must be consistent with Rome Technopole’s areas of technological specialization, the specific R&D objectives of Spoke 5, and preferably with the Foundation’s Flagship Projects, and must be carried out in the Mezzogiorno (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily) for at least 40 percent of the costs and 65 percent of the funding granted.

The budget for the Call for Applications is 1,394,200 euros.

The application must be submitted through the GeCoWEB Plus Unitus platform, starting at 2 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2023, and ending at 2 p.m. on Dec. 15, 2023.
