About Us

The Rome Technopole Foundation was established on 8th June 2022 to represent Lazio’s innovation ecosystem, aggregating all public and private universities, national research centers, the Lazio Region, the City of Rome, regional chambers of commerce, Unindustria and dozens of innovative companies.

The vision
The Rome Technopole project is aimed at generating a qualitative leap forward in the Lazio Region in all innovation processes oriented to sustainable development, ‘smart specialization’, upgrading and revitalization of the industrial sector.
The core of the project is developed on three thematic areas, characterized by the highest qualification and strongest industrial presence in the regional territory:

  • Energy Transition
  • Digital Transition
  • Health & Bio-Pharma

A one-of-a-kind reality
The Rome Technopole universe is a unique reality for two orders of reasons:

  1. it involves the most important institutional, academic, productive and technological realities of the Lazio regional context;
  2. it has the capacity to develop an integrated system for teaching, higher education, research and technology transfer.

Rome Technopole brings value to the scientific community, the regional and national production system, and citizens. HOW?
Through a few steps based on synergistic collaboration:

  • by simplifying the university-research-business relationship through a single organism in which all territorial skills and excellences converge;
  • by shortening the response time to the demand for qualified and competent personnel;
  • by adapting higher education pathways to specific demands from the productive world;
  • by networking public and private research laboratories and opening them up to collaboration between academia and industry;
  • by promoting regional attractiveness of talents and investments from Italy and abroad.


39 Founder Partners:

  • 7 Universities in Lazio
  • 4 National Research Centers based in Lazio: CNR, ENEA, ISS, INFN
  • 2 SMEs
  • 17 large companies and multinationals
  • Local institutions: Lazio Region, Municipality of Rome, Lazio Chambers of Commerce
  • 2 business associations that are members of Confindustria
  • INAIL, National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, a nonprofit public entity